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  1. LIAN-LI Pitstop T 60 Eccoci qui pronti per l'ennesima avventura, ebbene prendero' in esame un bel banchetto della Lian-Li . Allacciare le cinture non fumare preparare i popcorn al seguito birra e.......... buona visione a tutti Ermanno Cominciamo con il postare la materia prima, il case
  2. Mod & Roll 2012 - KOMPRESSOR MOD by Chentinox Hello, friends Xtremehardware, I see many people known and very good in the world of modding as Masbuscadomodding, Diegojavbu and Tortured Soul, greetings to them and those who do not know well. Here I leave my thread to post photos of my current job modding called KOMPRESSOR where I mix my two best hobbies, modding and overclocking. I will try to make a table-like mod bencheo. My work of the compressor of a refrigerator in which I will use to cool the water to cool the liquid rerigeracion CPU.Las first tests were a success, leaving the CPU temperature to -4 ° with car coolant mixed with water . I'll start with a strong foundation for the entire weight of the mod, a wooden tray DM. Then I will lay out the space available for the mod occupies the minimum space possible. To make this mod will use chassis metraquilato strips, cutting as an enclosure to make tough recubrire of green metraquilato then too. The union between pieces use proper screws M-5 because I do not trust much to glue the parts due to their weight, in addition to screw you always have the option to remove it if necessary. Once the envelope and check exterior mod pieces begin to assemble all staying with this. Now it is preparing the lighting, for which we will use a blue LED strips around the perimeter of the tray, then paint all the black tray to be giving a consistent appearance. Another very important part of a mod is pinura touches now time to prepare the pieces to paint, in this case, water pump, the compressor and the current transformer. Very important to give a coat of primer before putting paint color, we will improve the adhesion of the paint chipping and future. After preparing all the components of the mod, it will mount everything in place giving way to go. Tap the time to prepare all the electronics, the push button on and off lights, plate and compressor. Work although quite simple, a bit boring and welding wires ordination of them. Then post the neon red on the bottom and violet at the inner corners of the mod. With all this, my mod KOMPRESSOR will have this appearance. Now I will work on the top cover. I'll add some vents in the form of cylindrical nozzles. Tap the time of the mod's name engraved on the metraquilato KOMPRESSOR. In passing the name of the sponsors. Here are some pictures with the front cover removed. This is the time to test the mod KOMPRESSOR. I will use the graphics cards with both air and liquid nitrogen.
  3. Hello, I present my project V8 by DjinnVale. Well I will not do any of OC on this computer, I focus only on what the MOD and what I do with just venting because I am and those who believe that with good ventilation, you can cool very well. The mod will be based on a automobile V8 engine, but I will not be based on an engine of some raplica especificom its not that I have in my head but with a somewhat peculiar, do not think any level, all I making progress. So get to work, and I hope you all like what you will see. Well the first thing is a polyurethane foam plates and purchased the ready-made, I will start by cutting and pasting with glue, a piece after another cut and paste until I obtain the form I'm looking forward to. Once I have everything more or less stuck only on the basis of hand sanding, I give the form that I need.[ATTACH=CONFIG]2134[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]2135[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]2136[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]2137[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]2138[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]2139[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]2140[/ATTACH] And once made ??the mold with the foam, starting to give a layer of release agent, for applying fiberglass, and to remove it without problems.
  4. IL PIANO: Costruire un case da zero con un sacco dirivetti, e dico un sacco...probabilmente più di 1000 rivetti, per dare un numero; la mia ispirazione è stata la moto che Paul Jr ha fatto costruire un paio di mesi fa per l'American Chopper Build-Off. Questo è tutto, per ora! Molto altro ancora a seguire, presto!
  5. Hello every one this time mod on a CM Storm Enforcer will mod it to dead space 2 here is some pic and idea in the front i will use a Styrene for the mask and will lighting it idea
  6. Hello every one today we have a new mod on a brand new case from IN WIN it's the dragon rider case full size tower very great look best case i have ever mod sponsor by:IN WIN first will start with some pic of the case and start mooooooooood on it toady i just start the work here some pic of what i done so far get some poly foam from any hardware store
  7. Salve a tutti e benvenuti nel mio worklog Qualcuno di voi ha già potuto seguire il mio primo modding decente su italiamodding e vedo che anch'io qui conosco molti dei partecipanti. Il mio mod si ispira alla chimica,ad un famoso monumento ed al materiale che probabilmente è uno dei più importanti nel campo delle tecnologie: il silicio. Ed ecco un disegno fatto alla meglio per darvi un'idea generale di ciò che dovrò realizzare:
  8. Este mod sera realizado solo y únicamente con sobrantes de otros mods. marcado para corte, case genérico y muy viejo : a medio camino de conocer la pulidora Como se puede ver acá, la caja se recorto para que apenas entre la board: Lo que quedo con lo que sobro: Ahora el turno de la tapa: marcando la bisagra de piano para realizar perforaciones correspondientes: Ya fijadas Luego fijarla al case: Midiendo espacios, donde esta el fan sera la parte trasera del case: Cortando acrílico para la parte trasera: Más cortes para la parte trasera: Montaje para la rejilla del fan trasero: Y claro pintura: Se intento un digi camo pero me quedo horrible, así que lo cambiare: Y se instalo fan trasero, pintadito como debe ser: Funcionando: Montado sin cambiar camo aun: Corte y alistamiento de la base . . . pronto más avances, gracias por visitar el post
  9. The idea of ??this mod, is to preserve the original idea, take it to another level, ie, make a cathedral in honor to the movie: "The Crow" Final Pictures:
  10. Hello .. This forum really good people:clapclap: Well ... I make a hole in my time and my worklog harmonized First rename Box King Tiger tiger box. The idea: During WWII the Germans developed some tanks greatly feared by the Allies. The panzer VI .. s called German Tigers. We talked about the number of tanks Tiger I and Tiger II (KingTigerII) Tiger I King Tiger II It is a classic tank that served as a model for the current tanks as leopart What I do is take ideas from these tanks and put them in a mod The chosen Well some time ago a good friend gave me a case that no longer served ... is a desktop type case, I think your brand is Siemens q. Bring a cap that covers the entire case This case came with an AT power and small size. HandCad 5D The first sketches of the idea that would result. Designed in HandCad 5D
  11. Ciao a tutti........ complimenti per il forum e tutto il sito che devo dire e veramente interessante e piacevole da visitare ,per questo ho scelto di postare qui il mio lavoro e spero che cio vi possa fare piacere. Premetto con lo scrivere che il lavoro e stato cominciato tempo fa,ma non e mai stato portato a termine definitivamente, per vari motivi sono stato impossibilitato a continuare ; scritto cio non ho potuto fare a meno di vedere il vostro contest Mod‘n Roll che e veramente ben fatto ,e mi e venuta la voglia di ripartire da zero e portare al termine il tutto tenendovi sempre aggiornati con foto e tutto il resto spero possa essere di vostro gradimento . a dimenticavo in bocca a lupo per il contest e comunque vada e stato bello partecipare ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ciao per iniziare beccatevi Questo : a breve le foto finali questo e solo un assagino ,mancano ancora dei piccoli dettagli .....che sarnno una sorpresa :2guns: :armati48::sfida:
  12. Synopsis: [anno domini 2099] After the infiltration of the radicals known as Hands of the Gods [HOTG] led by masbuskado and the Bio-Warfare project, the Opprezzors have decided to create a Squad to slave and annihilate the remaining humans. The battle for survival begins now. Description: This is an original masbuskado's design, base on the HOTG: 2099 Story created by masbuskado, Opprezzors: Annihilation Squad is the Third project of the SAGA, it's the second Social Work Log from masbuskado @ New Mod City. About the Project: it will be an original scratch build, some industrial machine involved, 70+ hours of 2D / 3D design and modeling in CorelDraw X15 and SolidWorks 2011. Some parts are going to be cut with a press brake and some with laser. [The Sketch] It was stolen from masbuskado's files during the great battle of 2037. The Opprezzors begin their research about using masbuskado's machine against the HOTG group... Due to the unlimited technological resource of the Opprezzors the files were decrypted; they found some of the first 3D Renders of the project. [OPP-X9342 NET2/masbuskado/peacemaker/filez] [Loading Files] [Please wait] [100% Completed] [OPP-X9342 NET2/masbuskado/peacemaker/filez] [Loading More Files] [Please wait] [97% Completed] Follow this project on FB /opprezzors.A.Squad to get Live Updates!
  13. NZXT è una società che realizza diversi prodotti per il mondo PC ed ha appena aggiunto al suo catalogo l'HUE, un controller LED che permetterà di personalizzare l'effetto luce dato dalle lampade LED RGB.
  14. Salve a tutti! Da una settimana a questa parte, mi sono "introdotto" nel mondo del modding dei case, partendo da un mod semplice, l'adattamento di un case della vecchia XBOX 1 in modo da farci entrare una scheda madre microATX... Ho eseguito i vari "tagli" con il mio nuovissimo DREMEL 300 Con l'aiuto di Marco8188 e Giovanni (un nostro amico), abbiamo iniziato i lavori... Certi che il nostro lavoro non venisse un gran chè, abbiamo evitato di fare foto durante il processo, quindi posso mostrarvi solo il lavoro ultimato, visto che non è venuto poi così male Foto: Mancano solo 4 porte USB al posto delle porte dei controller (da recuperare dai miei vecchi case ) e il lavoro sarà "perfetto" Commenti e consigli sono ben accetti ovviamente Configurazione Inserita: CPU: AMD APU A6-3500 (2.1GHz - 2.4 con turbo core) MoBo: ASRock A75M-HVS RAM: 1x 2GB DDR3-1600 CL8 G.Skill (come quelle in firma) VGA: Uso quella integrata nella scheda madre via HDMI PSU: 230W LiteOn (Proviene da un Acer Aspire X1700) HDD: SATA 1000GB 3.5" OS: Windows 7 32bit
  15. ciao ragazzi. vorrei aggiungere un ventola(per migliorare ventilazione interna) da 8 in un pannetto laterale di un case hp ,posizionato fra le 2 air duct. la mia idea era di bucare(con un trapano) in tanti piccoli buchi la parte relativa alla ventola e fare buchi appositi per viti negli spazi forati della ventola per l aggancio. le mie domande erano: 1)si puo fare? 2)la ventola a pin da 2 come la collego all alimentatore?(la chassis fan della mobo e gia presa dalla ventola del dissi)ho sentito parlare di adattori molex per che collegherebbero la ventola all ali 3)da chi posso farmi fare il lavoro?un fabbro?(io non ho trapano e mezzi necessari) vi metto la foto con la mia idea cosi potete consigliarmi al meglio http://www.xtremeshack.com/scheda/122604_interno-pc-006.jpg.html grazie!!
  16. THE LITTLE OWL Little is just an understatement here as I will be using an XSPC H1 case. STORYLINE: Jakob (pronounced Yakob) commissioned me to build a kick **** machine BASED on the NEW NOCTUA NF-F12 (ones that are optimised for water cooling rads) fans. In addition he wanted me to base the case on Noctua collours, however some people do not like these, so one had to base this build around a slighty differing theme. If you look at the noctua website, the colours are much more 'red' than the fans themselves (which are brown based) IDEA EXPLAINED. Essentialy this is going to be part scratch build/part mod with a dark red and white themed case with the internals being polar white and typhoon red. The RED LASER TUNNEL effect will be used here Sponsors so far: Noctua (Ofcourse) LAMPTRON (ofCourse) MAYHEMS INNOVATION COOLING for the IC Diamond note: Remember the LASER PROJECT? This will be used in here. PAINT TO BE USED HYCOTE tornado RED HYCOTE POLAR WHITE HYCOTE GLOSS WHITE HYCOTE PRIMER HYCOTE CLEAR OVERCOAT Hycote Crystal Silver Hycote Pepper RED pEARLeSCENT hYCOTE tANGO RED mETALLIC Photo of a default XSPC H1 CASE Remember my last build where I used acrylic feet instead of the luggage-trolly-like castor wheels? well since the mounting of the castors are exactly the same as the Mountain Mods level, we can re-use that idea. Take one XSPC H1 Base plate carefully mark out where the fifth hole for the LED is to go. score a line from bottom left to the top right mounting hole and likewise for bottom right to top left. Now do the same for all four acrylic feet mounts Now here is where I had a problem, as I didnt have a centre punch available in order to create a pilot for the drill. So i thought of using an engraving tool that comes with my dremel set. Slowly but firmly press the dremel onto the desired spot This then allows a 2mm pilot hole with the dremel Now that is sorted lets use the big drill shall we? Press the drill trigger slowly as to drill gently through the delicate aluminium (DO NOT USE HAMMER ACTION) This then creates a nice 5mm hole for the LED to shine into the acrylic feet. TESTING THE FIT Note the LED has just enough room to fit whilst leaving the 5mm room to have a grip within the hole. watch out for the next part:D
  17. Cerco un case full-tower con finestra laterale in plexiglass, che abbia un ottimo ricircolo d'aria che sia solido e funzionale cosa mi consigliate tra quelli commercio??
  18. tom1

    Mod Dragon PC

    Ecco un interessante progetto di Modding denominato Dragon PC che riprende in tutto e per tutto il significato e il termine usato per il Modding. A seguire le immagini del worklog e il risultato finale.
  19. Apro questo thread per raccogliere tutti i Ghetto Mod possibili ed immaginabili. Cosa è un Ghetto Mod qualcuno si chiederà, bene un Ghetto Mod è un mod artigianale che può inglobare qualsiasi uso che se ne faccia di componenti per pc o non. Ora vediamo se anche voi siete dei Ghetto Modder Possibilmente si accettanno mod Ghetto personali , ma non si disdegnano quelli presi dalla rete anche se possibilmente mantenerli in un certo limite Ora dateci sotto
  20. Ciao a tutti! Ho la necessità di moddare il mio NZXT Phantom, dato che non ha una finestra laterale.. volevo chiedere se sapevate indicarmi il nome in italiano, se ce n'è uno specifico, e magari un sito dove acquistare quel tipo di gomma T Channel in modo che possa come da foto, inserire da una parte il plexi e dall'altra il bordo del pannello. Grazie!!!
  21. ciao ragazzi, cosa ne pensate di questo gioiellino??? http://www.thermaltake-italia.it/A/2304/prodotti-cases-level-10-gt.aspx
  22. Con tutto questo caldo niente di più adatto... Snow edition del thermalatke level 10.....
  23. Finalmente dopo ben un anno che il buon SPecial mi ha prestato il suo dremel, stasera ho fatto il mio primo minimodding...ossia sulla paratia di plexy del mio lianli pc75 ho fatto un foro circolare per mettere una ventola ke imettesse aria sulla scheda video!!! ed è venuto un lavoro troppo bello... a parte il fatto ke mi ero sbagliato a fare il foro così mi è toccato togliere tutti i rivetti girare la paratia di plexy e poi rivettare nuovamente il tutto Cmq domani farò le foto... ora esco!!! SONO TROPPO CONTENTO PER STA STRONZ@TAAAA!!! Ciao a tutti!!! Marco
  24. Hi Everyone, This is the third and final mod of the season for me. I am currently waiting for my philips ambx to arrive for my "AIO AL" (a.k.a. "Nameless" mod also posted on here) and to get my hands dirty on finishing the remake of the horns and other details on "Diabolo" (also posted on here). All three will be on show at the MLP event in Murcia, Spain from the 6th to the 11th of December. Fallout Cause SP (Slim & Passive) is the succesor to my fav mod of my own creation "Fallout Cause", it was just a paintjob yet it was before I got in to making worklogs and I´ve learnt so much since then that I want to do something new in the same style as FC was. About the conditions, maybe some of you remember my previous "Mod in a Week" project (a.k.a. Acid Burn), the conditions are the same, Start to Finish happens within a week, starting to day, Saturday 26-11-11 so it will be finished by Saturday the 3rd of December as the latest. All products needed have to be bought/ordered and received within this period. This of course puts limitations on what I can use but that´s also part of the fun in this kind of project. I chose to start today as the products from the sponsors for this project arrived. Informatica Outlets is simply the must go to website in Spain for great deals on hardware and all needed components to build a PC. So thank you very much Informaticaoutlets.com for your sponsorship on this project! The products sponsored for this project are: B-Move Slim II M-ATX low profile case Intel Celeron Dual Core E3400 ASUS EN210 GeForce Gigabyte G41MT-S2PT Motherboard Other products sponsored include a memory card reader for the case, a 250gb seagate barracuda sata2 hard drive and an LG CD/DVD rewriter. As the name of the project suggests, I am aiming for making the whole computer passive, i.e. no fans, which is why I´ve gone for the ASUS 210 low profile silent GPU, and the celeron intel cpu, as it´s a low end basic cpu, it should be the easiest socket 775 cpu to cool without fans, just a heatsink and decent thermal paste. Other products I´ve acquired today for this project are: Thermaltake Mini-Typhoon CPU Cooler 2x2Gb Corsair XMS3 1600Mhz (I know this mobo supports up to 1333 but its fine, it will help keep the ram cool to underclock it plus I got a simply great deal on them). Let´s start then. 1st Day - Saturday 26-11-2011 So I´ve done a quick bench-test to make sure all the hardware is working fine and in deed, no problems whatsoever. Because the B-Move Slim II is a low profile m-atx case I pressume meant for an HTPC, most aftermarket heatsinks will not fit, but I can´t use the stock intel heatsink because it´s cooling power is virtually non-existant without a fan. So I´ve gone for the thermaltake mini-typhoon as I got a great deal on it and it has a decent copper surface that should keep the cpu cool enough without a fan. So I mounted it with Noctua NX-1 thermalpaste, and went on to do some temp testing without a mounted fan. On idle I get 54c, on stress testing, it doesn´t go over 76c now, this are high temps for such a cpu, but remember it´s being passive cooled and the temps are within safe boundaries so I can check that off the list. Again because the case is low profile, the cooler will not fit even without a fan, I knew this, hell, I wanted this to happen so I could cut a hole on the side of the case to expose the copper which will add to the final look, if any of you have seen my original Fallout Cause, you´ll know exactly what I mean : ) So, 1st, let´s cut the hole: Now to test it on the case: Very nice fit! next issue, the cpu cooler´s mounting possition means that the ram doesn´t fit because of it´s cooler, thing is, I like the cooler and rather not have to shave the trimmings off, so, did some measurements, and it would seem cutting off one of the cpu cooler´s pipes is the way to go, so that´s what I did: Now for mounting tests: Now as you can see it fits fine but its in contact with the ram stick by very little, my question is, would this affect anything in any way? would it transfer heat to the ram heatsink or the other way round? Should I trim the ram heatsink? That´s it for today, tomorrow I prep further modification to the case, I am planning on openings and signs of aging and damage caused by rust and the extreme conditions of a fallout post-apocalyptic wasteland. Thanks for reading! : ) /// 2nd Day - Sunday 27-11-11 Today is destruction day, I will make all the destroyed sections of the case to give it that fallout rusted out/cannon´d out look. When I get to the painting part I will aid this look by giving a rust look to all the edges and adding epoxy to simulate edges fusing togueter due to rust (i.e. the grills). First thing however, is to trim that last lip of the memory module heatsink that´s driving me mad due to it being in contact with the cpu cooler, so here we go: Much better, it´s barely noticeable and it is no longer in contact with the cpu heatsink. Now it´s dremel time, I have to say I´m surprised at how thick and strong the metal is on this case, specially having in mind it´s a low end case so it´s mostly made out of scrap metal as they tend to do, I went through 2 heavy duty dremel discs in order to complete all the cutting. Once done I plied them backwards for two reasons, first, be it bullets, blunt tools or other, the impact would always be towards the case so it makes sense it´s pushed inwards, the second reason being to prevent sharp edges on the outside. Here we go: And that about does it, I though of adding more as certain parts of the case looked to "clean" if you know what I mean, but I can always add imperfections and artificial damages when doing the paintjob and it´s effects. I think my fav one is the chunk missing from the side that lets you look right in to the cpu heatsink. Tomorrow I will add similar effects on a small scale to the front of the case obviously very carefully, don´t want to brake any of the hooks that attach it to the rest of the case. But for today that´s it. Thank you for reading! // 3rd Day - Monday 28-11-11 - Update 1 Last night while I was in bed I started thinking about the things I should do today and if I should paint the philips ambx that arrived yesterday evening for the AIO AL project or leave that till I finished this one this saturday. While having the AIO AL project in my mind I though, hmm I wander if I could add a screen to this project, I know I cant integrate it on the side because there´s no extra sheet of metal, pretty much the side is what the mobo is attached too. I know I can´t use fiberglass to attach it to it because while it would look decent, it wouldn´t have air breathing, and it would just overheat, not to mention adding heat to the sheet and therefore to the mobo and cpu, so that was a no go, figured I´d scrap that idea and I went to sleep. This morning however while I was looking at the screen and the case it bothered me because I really liked the concept of adding a screen but couldn´t find a way to do it, but I had some spare time so I figured I´d take the screen apart and see if an idea popped in to my head, as I removed the bezel and platform I clicked, mounts! it´s so obvious, why on earth didn´t I think of that before! So I took some measurements, did some screen hw mounting within the tower checked cable lenghts, everything checks out. So started to process. First thing, a straight cut wide enough to pass cables through and use them as a grip for the mounting: Now it was time to make the hole big enough for the bolt to go through, so figured I´d use the dremel to make a small starting hole, took forever to go through that, I hadn´t realised just how thick that sheet of metal was. Once done I took a drill, with the right drillbit on started, took me about 40 minutes to do both holes, mainly because I didn´t want to press to hard so not to go spoil the drillbit, eventually got there and installed the first mount: added some washers and tightened it up: Now the second one and a test mount: Feels quite solid, I think I will add some feet on the opposite side so no stress is on the screwed in side, so I will look for some later on. Now for a proper test mount of the screen´s psu and chipset: And it fits perfectly: That´s it for now, I will post a second update later today. Thanks for reading!
  25. As the title says, I have decided to do a full project (mostly painting) in a week. I will be using my first ever non-beige computer case that recently came back to my possesion. (I had given the pc to my sister around 8 years ago and she finally got a new one). I originally bought the case around 10 years ago and was my first self built PC. You might be asking, But Luciel, why use that old piece of crap when you could be using an awesome modern case? Well, I would say nostalgia and a way of getting back to my roots and "upgrading" them to my current skills. I have no idea of what the case´s brand or model is, I bought it in a computer fair in the UK back then when the whole pre-modded case market was starting. The idea came to me last night (or, this night if you´re picky about it technically being the same day) when I was lying in bed from 3am till 7am with no success in sleeping (Spain) is bloody hot right now at nights. So I decided to get up, get down to my workbench and start it up. I will continue the log as soon as I upload the pictures (on a rather embarrasingly slow connection here) and detail everything I´ve been doing. Enough to say I have dismantled the old crappy hardware inside it (although the ASUS A7N8X-E was pretty epic bac then) and the case itself, cleaned it as best I could (the age really shows) and will proceed to sand it as soon as the shops open ( it´´s 8.45am here) and I can get some sanding paper! and prepare it for paint which hopefully I will start today. The hardware that´s going to be used in this build is the following: eVGA 790i Ultra SLI Q6600 4x2 DDR3 1600 Corsair ram (yes I know it will create a bottleneck, but this are second hand parts I have laying about). 2x GTX275 3x Seagate SATA2 750Gb 1x dvd rewriter 1x memory card reader Thermaltake bigwater b770 CPU wc system SB X-FI platinum pro I will also be ordering an MCP water block as the mcp in this board gets notoriously hot in SLI configs (right under one of the cards) I will also be painting the gpus, sound card, hdds, and dvd drive casing to go with the design. This system will be replacing my current main PC (the fallout case project shown in this sites case gallery, which, if anyone´s interested I´ll be selling, just the case) As my P67 asus board is being RMA´d so will be using the LGA 775 for now, and I will sorely miss my i5 2500k). Again, I will be updating this thread with info and pictures of the whole process as the day goes by (I need to buy everything needed this morning as my car will be in the garage for a week getting fixed and re-sprayed). As a last message for now, I encourage anyone to try the one week mod challenge, It´s not my first time and it can be a lot of fun : ) (even if its just to ebay it afterwards). Thanks in advanced for all comments and suggestions : =) // It´s now 11am, I just got back from leaving the car at the garage, and apparently I may get it back before the end of the week (awesome)! But more importantly, I got back from buying the paint, and other supplies I needed for this project. So, here it goes (excuse the crappy camera, I have already asked a friend for his much better camera that he will bring down tomorrow): I went down to my work-area and, admitedly, I hadn´t been down there for a while, as most computer related work I´ve done in my room recently as I´ve had nothing major. Problem with this kind of thing is that, if you need to store something, you end up putting it there and thing, ah I´ll sort it out when I need space to work (lol, yeah right). So, rather than actually try and sort things out (it´s 7.30am!!!!!!!!) I figured I´d just "relocate" stuff off the workbench. Sorted... So here is the case, with the original pc still in it, now, as you can see, it´s not in the best of shapes and it´s had a hell of a lot of use and while it has been taken more or less care off, 10 years doesn´t do any favours to a pc tower. So, first thing, dismantle the whole thing and... most likely throw away that old hardware, most of it is on it´s way out aniway. Dirty, let´s clean the whole thing up. Well, that´s as clean as it´s going to get, at least the chasis, I will be sanding (is that the right word?) down all the panels and getting them ready for painting. I shall be doing this as soon as I press submit reply on this post. On the side window I have opted to get rid of the acrylic, which is in really bad shape (brown with smoke and scratched to hell). I could replace it with some left over acrylic I had from another project, but I´m really liking the idea of mesh (i´ve used it before for a sidepanel and loved the look, the only downside is that the insides aren´t as visible as with acrylic, although I guess I could try and find some really fine mesh, any suggestions on this? Until later! // It´s 11.45am, I have finished sanding all the parts, I hate sanding, plus I could never get it quite right when there where imperfections in the original paint to begin with ¬¬ (removing them), I had to use some dissolvant to remove the sticky pads left behind the original neons (back when they where actually neons, as opposed to cold cathodes or leds). The fumes... weeeeeeeeeeeee :p Ok, it´s 13.30pm, nearly time for lunch here, and I have now given the 3 coats of the base color (in this case, black) to all the parts of the case (a big thanks go to whoever invented fast drying acrylic car paint, a bit more expensive than normal acrylic, but totally worthied if you don´t like waiting for paint to dry, and let´s face it, who does). Right well, I think I deserved lunch, plus, I really needed fresh air after that, awfull fumessssssssssss, plus, stake for lunch, After lunch I will proceed with the next stage of painting. // It´s 15.00pm, I´ve now prepped and base-coated 2 of the devices in the case, the dvd rewriter and the memory card reader (with bluetooth, because, everything is better with bluetooth). I am currently preparing the case, as a whole for exterior painting (using masking tape from the inside on any holes so paint does not get inside the case). Short update due to me having to come up for the backplate of the mobo, might as well paint it with the case since I´m at it (rather than having to paint it seperately later). // It´s 16.30pm, I have assembled the case, taped the stripes I want to remain black (more on that at a later point), and given 2 coats of the radioactive green (surprise! or not if you guessed due to the mobo design, if so, kudos!), here´s the first coat, to which I, before anything, added a few loose drops (squirter cap) of alloy silver, and while the pictures, due to ****ty camera just show blobs of paint, I assure you, the end result is random drops of extra shiny radioactiveness. // And the second coat: As you can see, this is why I used a black undercoat, because if I had used white, it would look pale and matt as seen on the masking tape. However the problem with this is that, also as you can see, it still has a few coats to go, acrylic paint needs loads of coats to become one solid (or like I´m aiming for here, almost solid color, and since it´s a dual layer color (this color includes an extra base coat and the color itself) it takes twice as long to dry, so 25 min between coats. // It´s 17.45pm I have now given everything 7 coats (yup, 7) I can´t believe it took that much to actually get to the final color in an even way (I decided to go fully even, as the shades I tried didn´t quite live to my expectations with this color). I really hate how this camera doesn´t do it justice, it kind of makes it look matt, when it´s completely metallic but ok. I will now give it one hour to settle, I will then proceed to give it 3 coats of clear lacquer, normally I will only give it two, but considering the ammount of coats it needed, I feel it really needs a third, this whole process should take about an hour, once dried (another 30 minutes on top) I will remove all the masking tape and take pictures with a much better camera so you guys can see the real final result on the paint outside. While there´s a few details I want to add on the black parts (the stripes, again, more on that when it´s done) at least you´ll get an idea of the final look of the paintjob side. If, and I stress the if part, I feel like it, I will begin the cable management and add the mobo. Things to come: Cable management I really should buy green sleeving. Painting the GPU casing in that same green (remember, the interior remains black, so it will give a nice contrast). Re-assemble the front panel, I have decided to keep the original black X on the front as a nostalgia part of the original case, however, since the logo is gone, I will find out where I can order a new one (different one from the original). Buy 2 led flat green bulbs to replace the blue ones in the frontal detail. Painting the Water Cooling pump and radiator. Buy an acrylic cpu waterblock Buy an acrylic mcp waterblock I had though on painting the ram coolers but because I can´t detach them of the ram itself, I´m not going to risk it, they will have to remain silver. Paint the top half (the safe part) of the 3 hdds. More cable management (yay). Paint the casing of the SB X-Fi I´m proably forgetting something (oh right, more cable management) but this is all I can think of right now, do make suggestions. Thanks again for watching/reading about this fun, but hectic, project.
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