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DirectX 10 in windows xp


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Le DirectX 10 per Windows XP saranno DirectX 9.0 L






ecco cio' che dice xbit labs:


DirectX 9.0 L is simply a renamed and refurbished DirectX 10 for Windows XP. It will make DirectX 10 games to work on Windows XP.


And games such as the upcoming Crysis won't work on the existing DirectX 9.0 c. they need a DirectX 9.0 L


One of the biggest issues is the fact that Nvidia or ATI won't have any mainstream or entry-level cards until at least mid- to end of Q1 2007. This suggests that if Vista tips up around the beginning of the year, gamers will be turned off by it.


Electronic Arts, the publisher of Crysis, wants to sell hundreds or thousands, even millions of copies and we doubt that Nvidia can produce and sell that many Geforce 8800 GTX and GTS cards.


It will be interesting to see whether the Windows XP Crysis will be different from the Vista ones.



the inquirer:


We managed to confirm the existence of DirectX 9.0L but it won't be a DirectX 10 for Windows XP. It will be the other way around. It is a faster version of DirectX 9.0 that will run under Vista only.


So I have to disappoint all of you who expected to run DirectX 10 games under Windows XP (and apologise, huh, Fudo? News Ed.) as there won't be an API to supports it.


DX9.0L is a special version of DirectX 9 for Vista only that allows DX9 games to run with Vista's new driver model. It's not possible to run D3D10 on XP without running in pure software emulation.


The D3D10 API was designed around the new driver model in Vista. In addition, Aero Glass runs on DX9.0L. Aero Glass is one of the main reasons DX9.0L exists on Vista.


Our sources also confirmed that L in DirectX 9.0 L stands for Longhorn. So we are back at the beginning - you need to buy a new graphic card and a new OS to have the hardware DirectX 10 acceleration on an API that supports it


direi molto molto interessante :)

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nn so quanto sia interessante, nel senso... queste dx 9l permettono di far girare i giochi per directx 10 su winxp tramite una pura emulazione software, e quindi immagino lo schifo di grafica che potranno avere sotto winxp...mentre sempre se abbiamo una scheda video vista ready quale può essere la g80 della nvidia potremmo sempre far girare i giochi dx10 su windows però sfruttando l'emulazione hw della sk video.


Cioè, nn mi garba niente sta cosa a me... mah..



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