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Mach Xtreme MX-ES Ultra USB 3.0

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Mach Xtreme Ultra MX ES 3Oggi su torniamo a recensire Pen Drive e lo facciamo con la Mach Xtreme MX-ES Ultra. Mach Xtreme è un brand poco conosciuto in Italia ma che sembra intenzionato a tornare in auge visto che negli anni passati è stato un brand abbastanza presente nel mercato europeo con un valido rapporto prezzo/prestazioni. La Pen Drive MX-ES Ultra con capacità di 64GB è dotata di celle NAND SLC che assicurano valide prestazioni anche con il passare del tempo. Vedremo meglio nel corso della recensione come tale Pen Drive si è comportata nei test.





Mach Extreme Technology logo


A seguire una descrizione del brand: ‘’ Mach Xtreme Technology was established in early 2010 and is constructed of a combination of elite professionals who have had years of exceptional exposure and involvement in the storage industry. MX-Technology achieves the highest performance possible through it's continuous research & development which ensures rapid advancements of SSD, memory and Flash drives. MX-Technology enable their customers to achieve maximum efficiency with matching performance to make time spent on work more convenient and productive. MX-Technology is the first computer hardware company in the world to join force with renowned world class artist to generate unique and stylish representation of Mach Xtreme. The first artist to work with Mach Xtreme is a genius graffiti artist from Europe named "Does". MX-Technology through their full dedication and commitment, it's users will be able to continually enjoy the latest high performance products with ultimate reliability at a competitive price point’’



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